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A minimum of 3 key employees on the island will be required within two years. Banks and payment methods. We also prepared two charts explaining how the transition to a new license will be handled for existing sub-licensees or for applicants who do not have a valid Curaçao sub-license. We recommend that operators stay in close contact with their current legal service providers and wait for more information to come in the following months. This largely involved a shake-up of the Curaçao gambling licence, which in recent years gained a reputation as one of the more permissive licensing jurisdictions in the world. However, when the LOK does eventually enter into force, all sub-licensees will have a 90-day deadline to make an application for a new licence, regardless of the remaining term of the master licence. Whether applications for sub-licences with master licence holders that are in progress or paused will continue to be processed will be up to the licensees themselves. …

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İpucu: Bu tür cümleler, “amacıyla” ifadesiyle okunmaya uygun değildir; bu da neden sonuç cümlesiyle arasındaki farktır. Koşul (Şart) Sonuç Cümlesi. Anlamca birbirini tam olarak karşılamasa da çağrıştırabilecek cümlelerdir. Bu yüzden bir cümlenin yakın anlamlısını isteyen sorularda en yakın olanı ararız. Anlamca birbirlerine karşıt olan cümlelerdir. Bu tür cümleler birbiriyle çelişir. …

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